Molds are simple, microscopic organisms, present virtually everywhere (indoors and outdoors). Molds are fungi and are needed to break down dead organic materials and recycle nutrients in the environment. There are currently over 100,000 different species of mold. However, recent studies indicate that only a small percentage or approximately 1,000 species are toxic. Molds can be found almost anywhere there is an organic substance, moisture, and oxygen including wood, paper, carpet, foods, and insulation. They reproduce by making spores that usually cannot be seen without magnification. However, discoloration of the surface and obvious growth is visible and in advanced stages, there is a musty odor. Some common areas for fungal growth are: basements, behind and under bathroom fixtures and walls, books, carpets, ceilings from roof leaks, damp clothing, drapes, garbage disposals, humidifiers, heating and cooling equipment, walls, wall coverings and wood products.
We perform monitoring of indoor air quality including humidity, temperature, moisture content, and mold presence. Quality Environmental has provided mold assessment and remediation services for several insurance companies and has provided litigation support services in mold related lawsuits. We are confident in our ability to provide these services in a cost-effective and professional manner. We also provide bacteria, legionella, and VOC investigations.