Lead Based Paint
Lead paint or lead based paint is paint containing lead. As a pigment, lead is found in different colors, yellow, red, white are the most common forms. Lead is added to accelerate drying, increase durability, maintain a fresh appearance, and resist moisture that causes corrosion. It is one of the main health & environmental hazards associated with paint. In some countries, lead continues to be added to paint for domestic use, whereas countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom have regulations prohibiting its use. However, lead paint may still be found in older properties painted prior to the introduction of such regulations. Although lead has been banned from household paint in the United States since 1978, it may still be found in road marking paint.
Our Services
Quality Environmental provides lead based paint (LBP) consultation services. QE follows the guidelines set by the Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the regulations set by the Occupational safety and Health Administration (OSHA) .
- LBP Identification and sampling with X-ray Fluorescent Machine (XRF) and pait chips.
- LBP risk assessment
- LBP Abatement Design
- Environmental air monitoring during abatement and lead clearance wipe sampling.